You've traveled to a forest to seek a lost power that may help you defeat the dark god. You encounter illusions and question your sanity... or is it truly the voice of the Mother Goddess speaking to you? You activate a portal to a godly realm where you are challenged in body and mind. You want to give up (the person playing this definitely did) but you persevere. The souls of your fallen friends make sure of it. Finally you reach the end. You've done it. You've transcended.
Created with Unreal Engine 4, 3DS Max, After Effects, Premiere, and Audition.
Dark Light: Endings
Capstone animation showcasing a full range of computer graphics expertise, including sound art, animation (both 3D and 2D), low- and high-poly modelling, world building, character design, and storytelling.

The penultimate tale following Hex and Grim, the scions of light and dark. Grim, a reformed dark terrorist, has reverted back to his old ways and is destroying the Lighthouses, which have illuminated the world since the sun's demise. Hex, the world's governing Angel, must confront his lost friend to return balance.
Created with 3DS Max, Mudbox, After Effects, Premiere, and Audition.
Gravity: Gold
Procedural animation demonstrating powerful physics engine of 3DS Max.
Created with 3DS Max, After Effects, and Premiere.
Dark Light Genesis
Musically-driven 3D animation highlighting character animation, sound design, world building, and storytelling.

Born from the sun, the Mother Goddess creates all life and, confronted with heartbreaking loneliness, splits her heart in two to birth two sons: Arken, the son of light, and Exodus, the son of darkness. Arken gives life while Exodus takes it. An epic battle erupts between the rivaling siblings which ultimately ends with their mother's demise. Because a god cannot kill another, Arken banishes Exodus into deep space to spare the world of his overwhelming evil. 
Created with 3DS Max, Mudbox, After Effects, Premiere, and Audition.

Match Mover project using mapped points to animate text and other objects in video.
Created with Match Mover, 3DS Max, After Effects, Premiere, and Audition.
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